PHP5.3之后的版本引入了名称空间的支持,此举的好处是不同模块之间分隔方式变得天然纯正,以往PHP要实现不同模块之间的划分通常会各为其政,有类PEAR或ZendFramework的, 有像Drupal以模块区分等等,在已有项目内引入了第三方库经常会担心是否有全局名称的冲突,PHP5.3后这种担心可大大减低, 其为我们提供了一种主流解决方案。
namespace namespaceDemo;
class demoClass
function echoValue()
echo 'i am "\namespaceDemo\demoClass->echoValue"';
$test = new \namespaceDemo\demoClass();
* output:
* i am "\namespaceDemo\demoClass->echoValue"
## 支持GOTO语句
GOTO语句曾经颇受争议, 后来经过大师们很多次较量后才最终确认合理使用有益无害,PHP5.3之后也引入了此语句。
for( $i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++ )
if( $i % 20 == 0 )
goto end;
echo "我是{$i}我是第一个被20整除的数!";
* output:
* 我是20我是第一个被20整除的数!
## 新的静态魔术方法__callStatic
5.2支持通过魔术方法处理不存在方法的调用, 但其只支持非静态方法, 5.3版本引入了静态魔术方法。
* __callStatic魔术方法使用方式
class callStatic
public static function __callStatic( $name, $arguments )
echo "<b>function name:</b>";
echo $name . '<br>';
echo "<b>function arguments:</b>";
print_r( $arguments );
$callStatic = new callStatic();
echo $callStatic::notExistsFun( array( 'param1' , 'param2' ) );
* output:
* function name:notExistsFun
* function arguments:Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => param1 [1] => param2 ) )
## 新的匿名魔术方法 __invoke
class invokeDemo
public function __invoke( $param1 , $param2 )
print_r( array( $param1 , $param2 ) );
echo '<br> this is invoke magic function';
$invokeDemo = new invokeDemo();
$invokeDemo( 'param1String' , array( 1 , 2 , 3) );
* output:
* Array ( [0] => param1String [1] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 ) )
* this is invoke magic function
## 动态调用静态属性
PHP5.2之前静态方法是不支持用变量指定方法名称并动态调用的, 5.3之后引入了此功能
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
class dynamicCallStatic
public static function callStaticFunc()
echo 'i am callStaticFunc function';
$funcName = 'callStaticFunc';
* output:
* i am callStaticFunc function
## 支持匿名函数(lumbda).
$city = 'dalian';
$closure = function( $name ) use( $city ){ echo $name, '-' , $city; };
$closure( 'jucky' );
* output:
* jucky-dalian
$arr = array( 3, 2, 5, 6, 1 );
function( $a, $b )
if( $a == $b )
return 0;
return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;
print_r( $arr );
* output:
* Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 5 [4] => 6 )
## 新的三元操作符
新三元操作符?:在判断表达式结果为TRUE时会返回此判断表达式的结果即?:之前的值, False时返回?:之后的值。
$result = true;
echo $result == true ?: 'error code:20';
* output:
* 1
$result = false;
echo $result == true ?: 'error code:20';
* output:
* error code:20
## 全局空间内const代替define()函数可直接使用
const PLATFORM_NAME = 'Linux';
* output:
* Linux
## json_encode支持强制转换对象JSON
$arr = array( 1 , 2 , 3 );
echo json_encode( $arr ) . '<br>';
echo json_encode( $arr , JSON_FORCE_OBJECT );
* output:
* [1,2,3]
* {"0":1,"1":2,"2":3}
## 默认启用SPL支持
数据结构提供了双向链表、栈、队列、堆、优先队列、固定大小数组、对象存储器, 但效率是否高于数组实现需要在应用内具体测试,方才测试队列类的效能发现低于原生实现, 不过固定数组的效率还是很可观的,下面代码是对固定大小数组的一个测试, 速度快了近1倍,详细代码如下:
$spl = new SplFixedArray( 1000000 );
while ($i--) {
$spl[$i] = 'SM';
Running time:0.2420928478241
Memory usage:52324152
Running time:0.42152786254883
Memory usage:100517992
## 延迟静态绑定。
循环垃圾收集, 能够发现对象的循环引用并自动回收内存
- atsort,natcasesort,usort,uasort,array_flip等数组函数不支持传入对象。
- 魔术方法必须声明为公共属性
- 从PECL移除的库,ncurses, fpdf, dbase, fbsql, ming.
- 废弃的tick, ereg正则。
- namespace,Closure变成了保留值
- http Stream流支持200-399全部状态
- 去除了magic quotes 和 register globals特性
- 出错提示信息与5.2版本相比有变化
* define_syslog_variables * register_globals * register_long_arrays * safe_mode * magic_quotes_gpc * magic_quotes_runtime * magic_quotes_sybase
PHP Core:
- array_replace() - Replaces elements from passed arrays into one array.
- array_replace_recursive() - Recursively replaces elements from passed arrays into one array.
- class_alias() - Creates an alias for a user defined class.
- forward_static_call() - Call a user function from a method context.
- forward_static_call_array() - Call a user function from a method context, with the arguments contained in an array.
- gc_collect_cycles() - Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles.
- gc_disable() - Deactivates the circular reference collector.
- gc_enable() - Activates the circular reference collector.
- gc_enabled() - Returns the status of the circular reference collector.
- get_called_class() - Return the name of the class a static method is called in.
- gethostname() - Return the current host name for the local machine.
- header_remove() - Removes an HTTP header previously set using the header() function.
- lcfirst() - Make a string's first character lowercase.
- parse_ini_string() - Parse a configuration string.
- quoted_printable_encode() - Convert an 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string.
- str_getcsv() - Parse a CSV string into an array.
- stream_context_set_default() - Set the default stream context.
- stream_supports_lock() - Return TRUE if the stream supports locking.
- stream_context_get_params() - Retrieve parameters from a stream context.
- streamWrapper::stream_cast() - Retrieve the underlying stream resource.
- streamWrapper::stream_set_option() - Change stream options
- date_add() - Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds to a DateTime object.
- date_create_from_format() - Returns a new DateTime object formatted according to the given format.
- date_diff() - Returns the difference between two DateTime objects.
- date_get_last_errors() - Returns the warnings and errors from the last date/time operation.
- date_parse_from_format() - Get infoformation about a given date.
- date_sub() - Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds from a DateTime object.
- timezone_version_get() - Returns the version of the timezonedb.
- gmp_testbit() - Tests whether a bit is set.
- hash_copy() - Copy hashing context.
- imap_gc() - Clears IMAP cache.
- imap_utf8_to_mutf7() - Encode a UTF-8 string to modified UTF-7.
- imap_mutf7_to_utf8() - Decode a modified UTF-7 string to UTF-8.
- json_last_error() - Returns the last JSON error that occurred.
MySQL Improved:
- mysqli_fetch_all() - Fetches all result rows as an associative array, a numeric array, or both.
- mysqli_get_connection_stats() - Returns statistics about the client connection.
- mysqli_poll() - Poll connections.
- mysqli_reap_async_query() - Get result from async query.
- openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() - Returns a string of the given length specified, filled with pseudo-random bytes.
- pcntl_signal_dispatch() - Calls signal handlers for pending signals.
- pcntl_sigprocmask() - Sets and retrieves blocked signals.
- pcntl_sigtimedwait() - Wait for signals with a timeout.
- pcntl_sigwaitinfo() - Wait for signals.
- preg_filter() - Perform a regular expression search and replace, reutrning only results which matched the pattern.
- msg_queue_exists() - Check whether a message queue exists.
- shm_has_var() - Checks whether a specific key exists inside a shared memory segment.
The following functions are now natively implemented, making them available on all operating systems which can run PHP:
- acosh()
- asinh()
- atanh()
- expm1()
- log1p()
PHP Core:
- clearstatcache() - Added clear_realpath_cache and filename .
- copy() - Added a stream context parameter, context .
- fgetcsv() - Added escape .
- ini_get_all() - Added details .
- The mail() function now supports logging of sent email. (Note: This only applies to email sent through this function.)
- nl2br() - Added is_xhtml .
- parse_ini_file() - Added scanner_mode .
- round() - Added mode .
- stream_context_create() - Added params .
- strstr() and stristr() - Added before_needle .
- json_encode() - Added options .
- json_decode() - Added depth .
- stream_select(), stream_set_blocking(), stream_set_timeout(), and stream_set_write_buffer() now work with user-space stream wrappers.
- sybase_connect() - Added new .
New method parameters in PHP 5.3.0:
PHP Core:
- Exception::__construct - Added previous